The Architect’s Voice
HPA was founded by Ar. Hiren Patel in 1989, the young architect took upon himself to create a better world through his unique art and designs. From the very beginning, HPA has been passion- ate about creating spaces that inspire and trans- form the way the world perceives art. The firm has now grown exponentially with over three de- cades of experience in the field of architecture, in- terior design, and landscape design. At HPA, it is a constant strive to break the conventional ideas and practises of design and strive for the future

What we do
Our professionalism in practice has ensured that our passion towards every project irrespective of its scale.
Interior Design
Faith Interior Design Cell (FIDC) is a sister concern of Hiren Patel architects firm, Ahmedabad.
Landscape Design
A building is a tangible structure, which needs to get along with the landscape that circumscribes it.
Our Vision
Ar. Hiren Patel is one of India’s most celebrat- ed architects. He completed his architectur- al studies in 1983 from CEPT University and that led to the beginning of a legendry jour- ney. Patel founded HPA in 1989 after complet- ing his intense studies in landscape design. It is remarkable how he has been drawn to the world of art and design since childhood. Work- ing with inspiring artists from around the world, his art and design projects seamlessly intertwine.
The young architect had always been truthful to his work and determined to serve the so- ciety the best he could. He realised the pow- er of art to change the world quite early in his career. His oeuvre, philosophy, and ideas have evolved with the times and he believes that ar- chitecture is not only about buildings, it is about shaping people’s lives. And thus, his journey of seeking the truth through his art is eternal.